Pinsent Masons

About Pinsent Masons

At Pinsent Masons we understand that Fintech is transforming financial services and changing the way in which we think and talk about money, payments and finance.

Our Fintech team combines our top-ranked practices in technology, financial regulatory, payments and corporate finance. We are a global team: we advise clients internationally, with Fintech specialists in Dublin, Madrid, Germany, Paris, Dubai and Singapore.

We are embedded in the Fintech ecosystem, supporting:

established financial services businesses who are responding to market disruption

existing technology players who are looking to develop their financial services offering

new fintech start-ups seeking to bring innovative products and services to market

Our Partnership with FinTech Scotland

Fintech is disrupting global markets, it is a growth industry with massive potential, and it is an emerging sector in which Scotland has an opportunity to play a key role. Pinsent Masons is delighted to be appointed as a Strategic Partner to FinTech Scotland.

We are looking forward to deploying our skills and experience to help develop a strategy which creates fantastic job opportunities, generates growth and attracts the brightest talent the sector has to offer. Our Fintech expertise and our global reach are an excellent match with FinTech Scotland’s objective of building worldwide fintech engagement and collaboration.

Connect with key industry topics

We regularly publish guidance and information on Fintech topics.

Fintech ecosystem

We are embedded in the fintech ecosystem and immersed in policy development and are deeply involved with key industry bodies and government expert groups

Open Banking

Open Banking is one of the most exciting developments in financial services for years, with the potential to revolutionise how consumers engage with financial products and services. We are focused on supporting clients make the most of these new opportunities


Block chain is revolutionising the way companies, investors and the Financial Services industry as a whole, do business. Our global sector teams are at the forefront of this digital revolution. We advise on the legal and regulatory compliance obligations in multiple jurisdictions.


AI is something we put into practice. We have successfully delivered numerous projects for our clients using our proprietary AI technology. Our own team of computer scientists and legal engineers put artificial intelligence into practical context for our lawyers and clients.


We are closely involved in shaping the policy agenda across Europe in relation to the use of the public cloud for financial services. In 2016 we formed an industry group together with the BBA (now UK Finance) to enable senior persons across the BBA’s membership to discuss frictions which hold banks back from fully embracing the cloud.

Cyber Security

We are one of the largest and most experienced cyber and information teams in the UK, combining advisory and contentious data protection expertise with strong financial services experience.

Latest news and insight from Pinsent Masons

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Pinsent Masons Thought Leadership

As well as advising clients on fintech issues, we also develop policy and focus on the emerging market issues, working with relevant industry groups. Most recently we released a report on Open Banking, working with Innovate Finance.

Browse our thought-leadership

Pinsent Masons Open banking

Pinsent Masons Banking on Cloud

Pinsent Masons on Open Banking