Category: Universities

University of Strathclyde students undertake fintech summer projects

University of Strathclyde students on the MScs Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative Finance undertake a summer…

Students from Glasgow University FinTech Society tackle consumer vulnerability through Design Thinking

The economic landscape within which financial services operate is changing at a dramatic pace. The…

Master students to undertake Financial Services projects

University of Strathclyde students on the MScs Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative Finance undertake a summer project as part of…

The apprentice route to start in fintech

Origo apprentice Jack Scott recently became a permanent employee of the company. Rob Kingsbury talked…

The University of Edinburgh launches a fintech doctoral programme

The University of Edinburgh is launching a new initiative to help companies access talent and…

£8,000 Scholarship for Postgraduate Fintech Student

Are you looking to join an exciting and dynamic industry? Fintech could be for you!…

Tech nothing for granted – How a new kind of scholarship creates an opportunity for industries to deliver on diversity

by Kathryn Pierce - Founder, Somewhere EDI CIC   Within the UK, Scotland is uniquely placed…

Would your business benefit from an in-depth piece of research and analysis?

The University of Edinburgh is currently looking for projects for MSc Business Analytics, MSc Banking…

Applied Fintech Project – Final Event and last update

Blog written by Elisabetta Trasatti, Vice President at UoG FinTech Society Last Friday night, an…

The Applied FinTech Project at the University of Glasgow – update

Article written by Elisabetta Trasatti, Vice-President of the University of Glasgow FinTech Society The Applied…

A FinTech degree for today and the future

Blog written by GB Ibikunle, PhD - Director, MSc Finance, Technology and Policy Director, FinTech…